Well I just graduated high school last Friday night. Wow it seems like just yesterday I was a freshmen, and now my friends and I are out of there.
Graduation was nice, my Aunt and Uncle on my dad's side came into town for it. It was really nice to see them since we don't get to all that often.
Since the graduation is held outside, we were hoping it wasn't going to rain. If it rains, they have to have graduation inside where seats are limited, as opposed to out on the football field where an unlimited amount of family members can watch. The weather was a little iffy but the rain held off, yay! It was looking like it was going to storm as they were starting to call out the graduates names, so they were going really fast at first (which my older sister found really funny). Thankfully, the clouds passed before they got to my name, so they slowed down announcing the names.
Now that everyone's graduated, I have a lot graduation parties to attend. Mine is later in July, and I'm really excited for it, though my mom is really stressed about it.
Besides that I’m just going to enjoy my summer till my new program starts in August!